Health 2.0 Quarterly: What’s New in Q2?

Every quarter, Health 2.0 releases a summary set of data that explains where industry funding is going, which product segments are growing fastest, and where new company formation is happening. Health 2.0’s precision and clarity when it comes to market segmentation and product information make this quarterly release the cream of the freebie crop.

The major news this quarter is that funding has slowed compared to this time last year, notwithstanding a significant bump from Allscripts’ $200M investment in NantHealth on the last day of the month. Yet, we’re still seeing growth in the Health 2.0 Source Database — both in number of products and companies. We also highlight the release of the Apple Watch, the growing momentum around FHIR, some key moves in the data analytics space, and the success of the latest Health 2.0 IPOs. For more, flip through below.

Kim Krueger is a Research Analyst at Health 2.0

from THCB

8 Canadian Superfoods Plus Health Benefits

Happy Early Canada Day joyous readers!

As you probably know, I’m a proud Canadian girl. I was born in Mississauga and have lived in Toronto for the better part of my adult life. I love my city, Toronto and I believe we have one of the most beautiful and diverse (okay I’m slightly biased) countries on planet earth.

To celebrate Canada Day I wanted to share with you eight Canadian superfoods. While not all of these foods originated in Canada, they are now grown in Canada. It is important to think about where your food is grown and purchase as much locally grown food as you possibly can to support the local economy. And remember, the less travel time to your dinner plate the more nutrient dense the food.

I bet you’ll be surprised to know that quinoa is now grown in the prairies. While it does require a little more love to cook it because it’s a hardier plant when grown in Canada, it’s just as delicious. I also included delicious and nourishing recipes for every Canadian Superfood.

So here goes — eight Canadian superfoods plus their amazing health benefits!

Wild Blueberries


  • Also known as lowbush blueberries: They are smaller and more tangy-tasting than their cultivated cousins and one of the few fruits native to North Amercia.
  • Blueberries in general are 2nd most popular fruit  (no kidding!) — they sure are in my home, next to strawberries of course as you may have noticed from my recent strawberry love affair — recipes, recipes, recipes!
  • Extremely high in antioxidants (especially vitamin C), more so than their cousins. These antioxidants protect cells from damage and have these benefits:
    • May help improve memory and prevent many diseases associated with an aging brain
    • Strengthens cardiovascular system
  • Low on glycemic index:
    • Helps regulate blood sugar
    • Good source of fiber. Fiber slows the release of glucose into the blood stream

Maple Syrup


  • This is so Canadian that we’ve got a maple leaf on our flag!
  • High in antioxidants, in fact as much as red Gala apples, broccoli or bananas and contain. Some experts estimate maple syrup has over 54 antioxidants. The darker the better (and tastier too, in my opinion)
  • Wide range of nutrients including: riboflavin, zinc, magnesium, calcium and potassium
  • You’ve probably noticed in my book Joyous Health and in the recipes section here, this is my favourite natural sweetener to use in recipes, especially desserts.


Quickie Quinoa Bowl

  • Originated in South America, now lucky for us it’s grown in Canada
  • It is a plant-based complete protein, great news for veggie-lovers!
  • High in the amino acid lysine, which is involved in tissue repair.
  • Significant amounts of antioxidants like ferulic, coumaric, hydroxybenzoic, and vanillic acid
  • Good source of fiber and a diverse range of anti-inflammatory nutrients
  • Many people complain that quinoa is hard to cook to fluffy perfection, I have a video and blog post to teach you how to get perfect quinoa every time
  • Here are some of my most recent Quinoa Recipes.The photo above is my Quickie Quinoa Bowl. And one of the all-time most popular quinoa recipes on Joyous Health is: Ma McCarthy’s Quinoa Cake

 Wild Mushrooms


  • If you shop at farmers markets then you likely know all about wild mushrooms, or perhaps you forage for wild mushrooms? My favourite wild mushrooms are chanterelles, but equally as nutritious and delicious are: morel, hen of the woods, oyster and horn of plenty native to Canada
  • DON’T JUST EAT ANY OLD MUSHROOM YOU FIND IN THE WILD! Make sure you get your wild mushrooms from a reliable source!
  • Mushrooms are a very rare source of vitamin D, I say rare because plant-foods are not a good source of D
  • Promote immune function by increasing the production of antiviral and other proteins that are released by cells while they are trying to protect and repair the body’s tissues
  • Very high in antioxidants, in fact as many total antioxidants as red bell peppers
  • Rich source of energy-promoting B vitamins!
  • Have you tried my Mushroom Black Bean Burgers?



  • High in anti-inflammatory plant-based omega-3, a form called ALA
  • Rich in lignans, which are fiber-like compounds that also provide antioxidant protection against free radicals
  • Contains mucilage, a soluble, gel-forming fiber that can help protect the intestinal tract
  • If you buy them whole, be sure to grind them before eating to release their beneficial omega-3 content. Otherwise they come out the other end the same way they went in ;)
  • Try my Flaxseed Oatmeal Cookies or my Best Ever Pizza Crust!

Saskatoon Berries


  • I first triedSaskatoon berry juice at a health show out west and was blown away by the richness of the flavour. As the name suggests, these berries are native to western Canada and they are deeelicious!
  • Saskatoon Berries rank the highest in antioxidants in both fresh fruit and fruit pulp relative to other common fruits
  • Saskatoon Berries are rich in dietary fibre. 100 grams of Saskatoon Berries contain 24% of the daily fibre requirement.
  • Good source of minerals including magnesium, calcium, potassium and iron which all contribute to heart health



  • Cranberries are sweet and tart – one of my favourite ingredients in healthy muffins, cookies and granola
  • You’ve probably heard of the health benefits as it relates to prevention of UTIs. This is because they have a high level of proanthocyanidins which helps reduce the adhesion of certain bacteria to the urinary tract walls, in turn fighting off infections
  • These same proanthocyanidins may also benefit oral health by preventing bacteria from binding to teeth
  • The polyphenols in cranberries may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by preventing platelet build-up and reducing blood pressure via anti-inflammatory mechanisms
  • Research has shown that cranberries are beneficial in slowing tumor progression and have shown positive effects against prostate, liver, breast, ovarian, and colon cancers
  • A good source of vitamin C, fiber and vitamin E
  • Try my Cranberry Ginger Granola or this wonderful butternut squash cranberry quinoa recipe.


hemp hearts

  • What’s more Canadian then hemp? Hemp seeds, when the outer shell is removed leaves you with a soft nutty like small seed.
  • Hemp is a wonderful source of good fats, plant-based protein and it’s yummy!
  • Very recently I posted this recipe: Sweet Pea Dip with Mint and talked about all the health benefits of this Canadian superfood! You can read more here.

 Here is a summary of the 8 Canadian Superfoods.

Canadian Superfoods


Have a joyous Canada Day everyone!


Joy McCarthy

Joy McCarthy is the vibrant Holistic Nutritionist behind Joyous Health. Author of JOYOUS HEALTH: Eat & Live Well without Dieting, professional speaker, nutrition expert on Global’s Morning Show, Faculty Member at Institute of Holistic Nutrition and co-creator of Eat Well Feel Well. Read more…

The post 8 Canadian Superfoods Plus Health Benefits appeared first on Joyous Health.

from Joyous Health

The ABIM Controversy: A Brief History of Board Certification and MOC

Bob WachterWhat’s up with the ABIM?” “I just got a note about an alternative board. Should I join it?” “Aren’t you glad to be off the Board?”

These days, I get these questions from friends and colleagues regularly. When I first joined the board of directors of the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) in 2004, the organization was a well-respected pillar of American medicine. Today the organization finds itself in a fight for its life, being painted as everything from out of touch to money-hungry to, more recently, corrupt.

I just completed my decade-long service to the ABIM and, more recently, the ABIM Foundation. I’ve waited until now to write this because I wanted to be clear that I am not speaking for ABIM or its leadership. I am also well aware that there is a vocal group of critics who feel passionately about this matter, whose minds are made up, and who are approaching this fight with a take-no-prisoners zeal. By adding my voice, I am likely to become a target for their anger.

So be it. With the help of social media and a journalist who has turned this matter into a cause célèbre with an unfortunate mixture of half-truths and innuendo, the critics have managed to control the debate, and people who believe in the values of the Board have been cowed into silence. It feels vaguely McCarthyish, and there comes a time when silence is immoral. This feels like such a time.

This is not to say that the Board has made perfect choices – it hasn’t, and ABIM’s CEO, Dr. Rich Baron, courageously admitted as much in a February statement of apology, in which he announced the suspension of certain parts of the program. But these were mistakes born of trying to do good but challenging work for the right reason: to ensure to our patients that their physicians are competent. Painting the organization – and particularly Rich, one of the finest people I know – as corrupt and nefarious is wrong.

Here’s what’s at stake: we physicians are granted an extraordinary amount of autonomy by the public and the government. We ask people to disrobe in our presence; we prescribe medications that can kill; we perform procedures that would be labeled as assault if done by the non-credentialed. If we prove ourselves incapable of self-governance, we are violating this trust, and society will – and should – step into the breach with standards and regulations that will be more onerous, more politically driven, and less informed by science. That is the road we may be headed down. It is why this fight matters.

Let’s start with a little history on how we got to where we are today, and then I’ll turn to and address the criticisms of the Board.

A Brief History of Board Certification and MOC

As Rich Baron recently described in JAMA, the board movement launched around the time of the Civil War, when the AMA began grappling with the question of how to determine whether a doctor was competent to call him or herself a specialist in a given field. After some fits and starts, the specialty boards were established in the 1920s and 30s to address this question. Importantly and, to my mind, correctly, the boards were created as independent entities – arms of neither the specialty societies (i.e., the ABIM is a completely different organization than the American College of Physicians or the subspecialty societies in fields like cardiology and oncology) nor the government. Why was this the right choice? Because credentialing organizations inevitably have to make tough decisions, including setting high standards, and thus need to be insulated from the politics of government or the advocacy of dues-funded membership organizations.

The ABIM was established in 1936, and things were fairly calm for the organization’s first 60 years. When I took the ABIM certifying exam after finishing my internal medicine training in 1986, I was 29 years old. The Board issued me a lifetime certificate, basically deeming me a competent internist until I retired. My expectation – correct at the time – was that receiving my certificate of passing was the last interaction I’d ever have with the ABIM.

Around 1990, the idea of lifetime certification had become increasingly troubling to patients, payers, and even some physicians. In retrospect, of course, it is indefensible. So the Board launched a program now known as Maintenance of Certification, thus planting the seeds of the current controversy.

MOC created a lifetime relationship between the boards (ABIM and all the other specialty boards, such as surgery, family medicine, and pediatrics; together, all the boards operate under an umbrella organization called the American Board of Medical Specialties, ABMS) and their diplomates. But this was a troubled marriage from the start. Physicians were now faced with taking a test every 10 years or so to prove their ongoing competence. Many didn’t like it one bit.

Moreover, the launch of MOC coincided with the growing recognition that the competent physician possesses an array of skills – patient communication, quality improvement, teamwork, patient safety, and more – that extend far beyond raw medical knowledge. This recognition challenged the boards with the task of figuring out how to assess these “softer” skills.

Finally, the boards realized that an assessment of a physician’s competence should not just include how she did on a test, but how she was performing in day-to-day practice. Thus came the push for MOC to include some demonstration of the skills of self-assessment and “practice-based learning.” This, too, was new territory for the boards… and everyone else.

Even if all the Board did was administer its “secure exam” to assess knowledge and clinical decision-making, that would be hard enough. ABIM employs a team of psychometricians to ensure the validity of its questions, and its test writing committees include well-respected members of each specialty, who craft questions designed to fairly test core knowledge in each specialty. Questions are thoroughly vetted to ensure validity; poorly performing questions (for example, questions that folks who did well on the overall examination had trouble with) are reviewed and often discarded, as are dated questions. It is an exacting, labor-intensive process, and experts in the testing field consider the board’s approach to be state of the art.

While testing core knowledge is hard, it pales next to the challenges of assessing the “softer” competencies. How to assess communication skills other than asking patients themselves? Quality improvement skills – how else but ask physicians to submit data on, let’s say, their diabetics or asthmatics, along with a plan for self-review and improvement? While these are reasonable approaches, asking busy physicians to provide such data created more unhappiness, as many found the process onerous and not particularly meaningful, particularly in light of all of the other entities asking for similar data.

The launch of MOC in the 1990s generated substantial controversy, but things eventually settled down. Many practicing physicians didn’t love MOC (and many objected, quite reasonably, to the fact that older doctors had been grandfathered out of the requirement because the Board chose to honor their “lifetime” certifications), but surveys of diplomates completing MOC generally showed that most found the process to be fair and even useful.

Although I was “a grandfather” myself, when I joined the Board I was required to complete MOC (all Board members must do this, grandfathered or not), and I did so about five years ago. I thought the test (I took the general internal medicine exam; this was before a hospitalist-specific test was available) was reasonable and that studying for it improved my skills. The self-education modules, mostly open-book tests, were also useful, even fun. On the other hand, the parts of the process that required that I measure my own practice were unwieldy, and the tools made available to support this work were relatively user-unfriendly. My colleagues and I on the Board pushed the staff to improve these tools, and over time they did, although they remained well behind the kinds of sophisticated web-based tools we’ve become accustomed to in our non-medical lives.

The Change to “Continuous” MOC

The heat increased a couple of years ago, driven by changes in the MOC process. Around 2012, the ABMS decided that MOC should become more “continuous.” This didn’t strike me as unreasonable, particularly since teachers, pilots, and others in high-stake professions need to demonstrate their ongoing competence every few years. The new MOC standards required that physicians accumulate some points (the completion of a self-improvement module, or a patient survey, or a review of their own practice data) every couple of years, although the high-stakes exam remained an every-10-year affair. Even more bothersome to some, while grandfathers’ lifetime certifications would not be challenged, grandfathers not participating in MOC would now be listed on the boards’ websites as “not meeting MOC requirements.”

While I can’t speak for the other ABMS boards, I participated in the ABIM discussions of these issues from the start, and they were thoughtful and nuanced. Because the boards have no way of funding themselves other than through fees to diplomates, there was a constant underlying tension about how to keep fees reasonable while building the infrastructure needed to support and improve the programs. We tried our best to develop standards and tools that were supported by science, would be acceptable to the physician community, and – most importantly – represented our best thinking on how to demonstrate that a physician was competent. We also worked with the professional societies to build modules for specialists in their fields, and many did so.

Any kind of certification or accreditation process will generate critics – witness the furor over testing in public schools to see another sphere in which this is playing out. For growing numbers of physicians, the new MOC requirements not only felt onerous, they felt like betrayal – since the requirements were being created by fellow physicians in their own field. “I can understand why [Medicare/Aetna/Epic… fill in the blank] is making my life miserable,” some doctors thought. “But the boards are made up of my own colleagues. How can they do this to me?”

The boards are voluntary organizations. Many physicians are licensed by their state but are not board certified – either because they trained outside of the U.S. (the pathway to certification for international graduates is challenging), because they chose to avoid the process, or because they failed it (about 5 percent of people ultimately are not able to pass the Boards, either in their initial certification process or in MOC, despite multiple attempts to do so). For these uncertified doctors, the “voluntary” nature of the process is little consolation, since many payers and hospitals now insist on board certification. Given the stakes, it’s not surprising that MOC has aroused so much passion.

The Battle Goes Public, and Gets Nasty

There is a well-known challenge in the world of certification known as the “race to the bottom”: unless everyone (payers, hospitals, etc.) insists on a rigorous certification process, easier processes are likely to emerge, which some individuals will find preferable. While there have always been non-ABMS boards that have tried to recruit physicians to their camps, the more rigorous ABMS pathway (including the ABIM’s) has been considered by most institutions to be the gold standard, and so upstart boards – usually promising certification to doctors who paid a fee, participated in continuing medical education (CME) programs, and had unblemished licenses – gained only limited traction. If hospitals, insurers, and other key players insisted that physicians go through the traditional (ABMS) board process, most physicians did so.

In 2012, when I began my one-year term as chair of the ABIM, I wrote a blog describing where the organization was going and what I hoped to achieve in my time as chair. I thought it was a relatively benign piece, one that highlighted the rationale for the changes to MOC and made clear that this would be a work-in-progress that we were committed to getting right. My usual blogs receive about 10 to 20 comments; this received well over 200. It was clear that there was a passionate group of individuals who were committed not just to slowing down or stopping the initiative to make MOC more continuous, but to eliminating the entire MOC requirement. Frankly, we were surprised by the anger, though perhaps we shouldn’t have been.

Part of what surprised us was the breadth of the anti-board movement. While some of the early critics came from a libertarian fringe, there were more mainstream arguments advanced by respected leaders in medicine. These included several editorials in the New England Journal of Medicine, including one by NEJM editor Jeff Drazen and another by my early mentor, Lee Goldman, now the dean of Columbia’s medical school. In a January 2015 NEJM piece cleverly titled “Boarded to Death,a Scripps Clinic cardiologist named Paul Teirstein argued that the MOC process should be replaced. “We all support lifelong learning,” Teirstein wrote, “but an excellent alternative to MOC already exists: continuing medical education (CME).”

The anti-MOC troops gained followers in the social media world as well, and an on-line anti-MOC petition received more than 20,000 signatures. Physicians began pressing their specialty societies, including the ACP, to fight MOC, such as by threatening to withhold their dues; a few societies began to consider establishing their own certification processes. Teirstein and colleagues launched a new board, the National Board of Physicians and Surgeons (NBPAS), and sent letters to thousands of physicians asking them to pressure their hospitals to change the bylaws to accept NBPAS certification as meeting any board certification requirement.

From where I sit, all of this is uncomfortable, but natural and probably even healthy. The boards have occupied an enviable position as the unquestioned leader in physician accreditation for nearly 100 years. It would be surprising if they had not become a bit insular, or resistant to change. Some competitive pressure was probably necessary to ensure that the boards’ process delivers the most value to physicians, to patients, and to other stakeholders.

During my term as ABIM chair, my colleagues and I tried to be responsive to these pressures. In 2013, at the end of Dr. Chris Cassel’s 10-year tenure as CEO, we recruited a new leader, Rich Baron, an unusual choice in that he is not an academic with a book-length CV. Rather, Rich spent nearly three decades practicing general internal medicine and geriatrics in a small Philadelphia office, while also amassing a terrific track record as an organizational leader, both at the ABIM (he served as a Board member and ultimately rose to chair) and later at Medicare’s Innovation Center (CMMI).

We also launched an interdisciplinary task force, “Assessment 2020, charged with taking a hard look at our testing processes and considering fundamental changes to it. Some of the questions we asked of the 2020 Task Force: Is an every-ten-year year test still a good idea? Should part of the test now be open book? Should we include simulation? The Task Force, working under the chairmanship of Yale’sHarlan Krumholz, has just presented its final report to the ABIM Board for its consideration. The recommendations are ambitious and potentially game changing.

Over the last couple of years, the Board also completed a full makeover of its governance structure, cutting the size of the Board of Directors from nearly 30 to about 12, to make it more nimble. It also broadened its representation, including adding non-physician public members for the first time. To complement the smaller Board, we created a new “ABIM Council” to oversee the Board’s products, including the examination, and to strengthen our connection to the specialty societies. Also over the past few years, the ABIM Foundation launched the Choosing Wisely program, one of the most influential campaigns in recent medical history. Choosing Wisely has been hailed both nationally and internationally as the most important effort to date in engaging physicians in thoughtful waste-reduction efforts.

While my colleagues and I took these criticisms seriously, I felt that as long as we admitted our missteps, weren’t resting on our laurels, and constantly tried to do the right thing, we would be okay. After all, even though it might be attractive to some physicians to water down board certification, it seemed inconceivable to me that our profession – or the public – would accept the argument that participation in CME should be enough to demonstrate lifelong competence. I like CME, I think good CME is valuable, I run a CME course that I’m very proud of – one in which people are engaged for three days learning, not on the beach or the golf course. But I would find it hard to keep a straight face while making the argument that such attendance alone is sufficient to demonstrate competence. I believed that the ABIM – by insisting on a more rigorous process – would always retain the moral high ground.

But I underestimated the opposition. There was a way for them to seize the moral high ground: by painting the Board as scandalously profligate and corrupt. And so that’s what they set out to do.

The Allegations Against the Board

Having sat through every meeting of the ABIM Board for nine years (and, more recently, those of the ABIM Foundation), I can tell you that the depiction of the Board as aloof, money grubbing, and corrupt is entirely off target. That certainly doesn’t mean that all our decisions were good ones, or were politically astute. But our motives were always to do the best we could to live up to the Board’s motto: to be “of the profession, for the public.”

Here is where the critics are mistaken, often taking matters out of context to bolster their points. Unfortunately, in the world of social media, these half-truths and distortions make for good sound bites, and the casual observer can be forgiven for believing them.

Let’s take a few of the more egregious allegations:

“The Board is All About the Money”

The ABIM is a not-for-profit entity, meaning there are no shareholders. But it does need a positive bottom line to stay in business and to do its work. As Board members, we constantly struggled with balancing our fiduciary responsibility to the organization (including to pay the salaries and the costs of doing the Board’s current work and innovating) with the burden to the diplomates. ABIM’s MOC process currently costs physicians about $200-$400 per year (the low end for the internal medicine certificate only; the higher range is for those maintaining multiple certificates, like IM/cardiology/interventional cardiology). These costs are consistent with the fees of other ABMS boards. The argument that this represents an impossible expense to the vast majority of practicing physicians is hogwash.

“The Board Established a Foundation to Serve as a Big Piggy Bank”

The ABIM accrued surpluses over the course of its nearly 100 years of existence. Between 1990 and 2008, the Board took the bulk of its reserves (about $55 million, when all the contributions are added up) and placed them in a Foundation, whose charge was to support the Board’s work and serve the broader medical community. This is a standard practice for most large societies and accrediting organizations. The accounting involved is completely legitimate and has been vetted by yearly audits conducted by national accounting firms.

As per usual accounting rules, the Foundation spins off about 5 percent of its corpus for yearly investments – currently this amounts to $3-4 million each year. Over the past decade, the Foundation has focused on professionalism as its main theme, and, beginning with its 2002 “Physician Charter,has succeeded (well beyond my expectations) in putting this concept on the map.

More recently, the Foundation’s Choosing Wisely campaign has attracted worldwide attention, with more than 65 societies developing lists of activities in their fields that add no value. The impact of the Foundation’s work is enormous – many people have looked at Choosing Wisely as a model for the medical profession actually tackling the issue of costs in a positive way. Indeed, its recommendations have been implemented by several leading health systems, including Cedars-Sinai, the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, and Intermountain Healthcare. The campaign has also been adopted in a number of other countries. These days, nearly every discussion about improving value or reducing waste, whether it’s in the lay or professional media, references Choosing Wisely. For a small foundation, that’s one hell of a good investment – I’ve spoken to representations of foundations several times the size of the ABIMF who are using Choosing Wisely as a case study in leveraging a relatively small amount of money to great effect.

The Foundation also supports research that helps advance the ABIM’s mission – for example, on developing new simulator tools that can be used in physician assessment. It is free to provide money to ABIM for research and development, and it frequently does this, on top of its work promoting professionalism.

“The Salaries are Outrageous, and Then There’s The Condo”

Here, the allegations are flying fast and furious. The latest concerns CEO Richard Baron’s salary. Rich is one of the smartest and most committed people I’ve met in medicine. He is a person of unending integrity. The fact that the critics have now seen fit to take him on with caricatures and half-truths is cynical and sickening.

Part of the reason that Rich emerged as our preferred candidate was his real-world experience, which we felt was crucial as the Board worked to connect better to physicians engaged in the day-to-day practice of medicine. Rich’s current base pay of $579,000, with a bonus opportunity of another 20 percent, is significantly lower than that of his predecessor (Dr. Cassel’s salary was higher because she was recruited from a prior job as the dean of a major medical school and she served as ABIM CEO for a decade). The salary I offered Rich (as chair, I led the negotiations) was in the range recommended by consultants after a detailed analysis of salaries of other CEOs of healthcare nonprofits. It is a lot of money (and more than twice what Rich earned as a primary care physician), but he is paid to run a large, complex organization in a swirling political environment. In the grand scheme of things, taking into account what other healthcare executives earn, it seems fair to me.

If there is one money issue that has become a piñata, it has got to be “The Condo. Like many large, complex organizations, the ABIM often has consultants coming into Philadelphia to help it with its work. When Chris Cassel was CEO, after analyzing the costs of putting these folks up in hotels, she decided to purchase a condo to serve the same function. This was designed to be revenue neutral, and it has been. But, of course, it creates a hanging curveball for those looking for profligacy. Do I wish we had never bought it? Of course; politically it was a dumb thing to do. Is it a scandal? No.

The Test

Critics have also taken on the test itself – everything from the testing procedure (which involves going to secure test centers and being fingerprinted) to the actual substance of the test. They have also looked at the pass rate and pointed to what appears to be an increasing rate of failures.

The secure testing center is necessary given that it is such a high-stakes exam: failure is meaningful, and, sadly, cheating has occurred on a number of occasions. The test itself is written by experts in the specialty, and reviewed in detail by psychometricians to determine that questions are valid and up to date. This is a rigorous, expensive, and time-consuming process.

Another point made by the critics is that the failure rate on some ABIM MOC exams has increased, further evidence (to them) that the Board is actually trying to fail hardworking doctors in order to make money. The cut score for passing is an absolute standard determined through a sophisticated process that follows best practices in the testing industry. Once a cut score is set, pass rates for first-time takers may vary from time to time, but approximately 95% percent of physicians ultimately pass ABIM’s MOC exams, though it sometimes takes a couple of tries. There is no predetermined passing rate, and if 100 percent of people did well enough, all of them would pass. Unfortunately, they do not. To my mind, requiring that physicians demonstrate that they are keeping up every ten years is a reasonable requirement, and the fact that some people fail the test is evidence that some people lack the knowledge in their specialty to be declared competent.

The Bottom Line

We physicians are granted enormous privileges by society, and with these privileges comes the expectation of self-governance. That expectation flows from the knowledge that only members of the profession can determine what it means to be a competent internist, or cardiologist, or rheumatologist.

The boards are the human and organizational expression of that expectation. The work we ask of them is difficult: to create standards that truly are meaningful for patients, defensible to other stakeholders, and acceptable to the profession. The boards are not government-funded or -managed entities, and thus they require the resources of the professionals who are being assessed to do their work.

Over the last decade or so, many have looked at medical care in the U.S. and deemed it wanting – with frequent mistakes, spotty quality, relatively low patient satisfaction, and high costs. While many of the reasons for this have little to do with physician competence, some of them do. Our society is asking us to raise our standards, so that patients and others can be confident that their doctor is competent at the completion of training, and remains so throughout his or her career. This is a reasonable expectation of us, and of our certifying bodies.

ABIM has tried to do this work with integrity and thoughtfulness. Without question, the organization did not get everything right. In retrospect, non-academic physicians should have had a greater voice on the Board, to help connect us better to the community. Our tools to measure the newer competencies such as patient experience, quality improvement, and safety should have been better vetted. Our website should have been more user-friendly. We should have spent more energy working with medical societies to ensure that they were on board – if not with the precise methods, at least with the goals and values that we were jointly trying to achieve.

Earlier this year, Rich Baron, speaking on behalf of the Board, issued a powerful letter, unambiguously apologizing for these missteps. It was a brave and bold thing to do. In his letter, he suspended some of the MOC requirements – particularly the ones that involved practice-based measurements – to allow time for a deep reassessment. He also committed the organization to a period of listening and to a new effort designed to co-create the MOC process with our community of physicians and other stakeholders.

Where are we now? While Baron’s apology was widely praised, the critics still seem to be controlling the terms of the debate. This is not too surprising – they are tapping into a deep well of physician anger and angst. Clearly some of this anger goes well beyond certification – to electronic health records, to quality measurement, to value-based purchasing, to the push toward large systems of care and away from small practices. All of these transitions are challenging, all have unanticipated consequences, and – for the doctor who prized his or her autonomy and was comfortable under the old model – all of them feel wrong.

Yet it would be too easy to say that the anger toward and controversy regarding the ABIM is limited to a group of grumpy, change-resistant doctors. The concerns that the boards have been too disconnected from the practicing physician community are real, and it will require strong action to remedy this. And the actual substance of MOC needs to be modernized and made less burdensome, while remaining appropriately rigorous. I am proud of Rich Baron and my successors on the ABIM Board for rethinking the work and being open to change… perhaps even radical change. The process has been painful, but the actions to date are steps in the right direction, and there is more to come.

But what if the changes aren’t enough to satisfy the critics? What if these alternative boards win the day, and hospitals and insurers choose to accept a watered-down board process – basically, CME – as “good enough”? This outcome – and with it, the demise of the board enterprise, or at least of MOC – is not impossible.

To an unhappy doctor, bringing down the ABIM may feel good, but what will fill the resulting vacuum? Can we really say that passing a test at age 29 is sufficient to demonstrate that a physician is competent for an entire lifetime of practice? Or that evidence that a doctor spent a few dozen hours at CME courses is enough to reassure patients and other stakeholders that a doctor is currently competent? Or that a process in which no physician is ever judged to be below standards is legitimate and defensible?

I believe that there will always be a need for a rigorous, scientifically valid process to judge that physicians are competent in their specialty, and that they remain so through their career. I further believe that this process must be crafted by members of the profession itself – and if we abrogate that responsibility, others will fill the void. The values of ABIM are strong, and the half-truths that are being used by critics and at least one journalist with an apparent conflict of interest to smear the organization must not win the day. The ABIM needs to evolve, and it is doing just that.

“Throw the bums out!” can feel like progress. But, as the Arab Spring protesters have learned, sometimes it’s relatively easy to tear down institutions. Rebuilding them is much harder.

<em>Robert Wachter is .

from THCB

HIT Newser: ACA upheld – Can We Talk Health IT Now?

AMGA requests funds and policies to support care for chronically ill

In a letter to members of the Senate Finance Committee Chronic Care Workgroup, the AMGA asks Congress to consider policies and financial and operational technologies that support care for the chronically ill. The AMGA stressed that clinical data from EHRs and details from administrative claims are valuable for analyzing trends on utilization and outcomes.

The AMGA supports the development and use of sophisticated predictive analytic software that have the potential to improve care coordination, cut hospital re-admissions, and reduce the overall cost of patient care. The organization is also encouraging the use of telehealth to care for the chronically ill, as well as financial incentives to encourage provider investment in care management tools.

And now back to us

On the heels of the Supreme Court ruling on the ACA, several health IT organizations express hope that Congress will renew its focus on interoperability, telehealth, Meaningful Use, and other HIT-related issues. Politico reports that Health IT Now Coalition executive Joel White is hoping for a “continued bipartisan focus on interoperability and telemedicine,” while HIMSS believes the decision will create more predictability in the healthcare sector, which may facilitate the advancement of its IT agenda.

It’s great to be optimistic, but I’m sure no one will be shocked if lawmakers find alternative distractions.

Portal access doesn’t improve patient medical knowledge

Patients given access to their medical information through a patient portal didn’t have a greater understanding of their care and treatment, compared to patients without access to the app. Those findings come from a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association.

Researchers conclude that additional work needs to be done to “identify optimal methods to engage and inform patients during their hospitalization.” I wonder if researchers are taking into account that sick patients may not be very interested in reading through their medical records and/or may be in a drug-induced haze that impacts memory and retention. Maybe a better approach would be to encourage patients’ caretakers to access the records.

Industry stakeholders support proposed Cures legislation

A 31-organization coalition send the House Energy and Commerce Committee a letter voicing support for the interoperability language included in the 21st Century Cures Act. The coalition of providers, payers, patient advocates, consumers, employers, and vendors support changes to “address the known defects associated with interoperability.” They also support proposed provisions related to developing and adopting standards, and the enforcement of penalties for stakeholders engaged in “information blocking.”

Show Me the Money

The North Carolina Hospital Association partners with Truven Health for the development, management, and hosting of an analytically-enhanced data mart that will provide member hospitals access to state-wide reporting and analytic insights for disease monitoring and benchmarking.

HealthShare Exchange of Southeastern Pennsylvania selects Mirth to provide interoperability and messaging solutions for the secure electronic exchange of patient and claims data.

The University of Alabama at Birmingham Health System will implement athenaCoordinator Enterprise patient access services.

Florida’s PremierMD ACO selects eClinicalWorks CCMR population health platform to support its ACO objectives. EClinicalWorks EHR will also be the organization’s preferred solution.

Wheeling and Dealing

Telehealth company MDLIVE closes on a $50 million investment from Bedford Funding.

Cureatr, developer of a mobile care coordination solution for healthcare, raises $13 million in Series B funding led by Deerfield Investments.

Healthcare analytics firm Arcadia Healthcare Solutions acquires Sage Technologies, a provider of managed services and ACO implementations.

New Blood

McKesson appoints Kathy McElligott EVP/CIO/CTO, replacing the retiring Randy Spratt. Most recently McElligott served as CIO/VP of IT strategy and information security for Emerson.

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center names Matthew Trunnell VP/CIO. Trunnell is the former CIO of Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard.

Former Allscripts VP Gavin Yoder joins Apervita as VP of strategic partnerships.


HIT vendors Caremerge and T-System join the CommonWell Health Alliance, as well as state HIEs Michigan Health Information Network Shared Services and Texas Health Services Authority.

Healtheway rebrands itself as The Sequoia Project. The organization current supports the eHealth Exchange HIE and the interoperabilty collaborative Carequality.

from THCB

Disruptive Regulation

The latest salvo in the interoperability and information-blocking debate comes from two academic experts in the field of informatics, and was recently published in JAMIA. In the brief article, Sittig and Wright are endeavoring to describe the prerequisites for classifying an EHR as “open” or interoperable. I believe the term “open” is a much better fit here, and if the EHR software happens to come from a business dependent on revenues, as opposed to grant funding from the government, bankrupt may be a more accurate description. Since innovation in the EHR market seems to lack any disruptive effects, perhaps a bit of disruptive regulation would help push everything over the edge.

Although the article seems to be just another shot at Epic, the currently #1 EHR in the country, which is privately owned and run by a woman (a seemingly irritating anomaly in the EHR world), it does have some interesting points worth exploring.

The authors propose five overlapping use cases to describe functionality that is important to five stakeholder groups: clinicians, researchers, administrators, software developers and lastly, patients. Let’s look at each one in more detail (pay attention, since we’ll have a quiz at the end), and keep in mind that these requirements are meant to be enforced on all EHRs, including the relatively cheap little one you have in your office.

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How Might Crushes Right In Healthcare

Richard Gunderman goodDr. Melos is a gastroenterologist in solo practice in a medium-sized Midwestern city.  One day she hears a knock on her door.  When she answers, she finds two representatives of Athenian Health System, who request a few minutes of her time.  She invites them to take a seat in her office.

After exchanging pleasantries, the visitors get down to business.  They extend Dr. Melos an offer to join the ranks of Athenian’s employed physicians.  If she declines, they say, they will hire their own gastroenterologist, whose practice will grow rapidly on referrals from their large network.

The representatives of the health system are remarkably candid.  “We will not take up your time with arguments about the appropriateness of what we are doing.  What we have here is a large imbalance of power, and as a business matter, you really have no choice.”

Dr. Melos replies that she has always worked amicably with Athenian Health, using many of its diagnostic testing services and admitting her patients to its facilities, so the health system has no need to deliver such an ultimatum.

The representatives respond that, if they allowed Dr. Melos to maintain her practice in the form she is accustomed to, it would make Athenian Health, which is seeking to consolidate its market position in the area, look weak. 

Dr. Melos counters that if the health system delivers on such a promise, other physicians and physician groups will become alarmed and begin combining forces to resist Athenian Health, undermining its prospects.

The representatives of the health system respond that many of the larger physician groups in the area are already on board, giving them strong financial incentives to remain aligned with the health system.  It is only the small-group and solo practices that stand in the way now.

Dr. Melos replies that it would be an abrogation of professional responsibility for her to submit to such intimidation.  “I have provided excellent care to my patients for many years, and I have every right to maintain my practice in peace.”

The health system’s representatives respond that the discussion is not about professional responsibility.  Instead it is about survival, and if Dr. Melos does not agree to become an employed physician, many of her patients will soon be seeking care elsewhere.

Again, Athenian Health’s representatives demonstrate remarkable candor.  “This is not a debate over how the world of healthcare should be.  This is a demonstration of how the world is.  You owe it to your patients and yourself to accept our offer.”

Dr. Melos argues that, although her tiny practice cannot begin to match the resources of a vast health system, she still might prevail.  After all, she believes that what she is doing is right – a moral high ground that the health system cannot claim.

The representatives of the health system respond that the discussion is not about high ground and low ground or right and wrong.  It is about strength and weakness, and as the far weaker of the two parties, Dr. Melos has no choice but to submit.

Again, Athenian Health’s representatives do not mince words.  “What we have here is a straightforward business necessity.  We urge you to confine your attention to the hard facts on the table, not invisible hopes that can only lead to the loss of your practice.”

Dr. Melos repairs to examples from history.  “What if the Israelites had continued to submit to the Egyptians or the American colonies had simply capitulated to the British?  Many of the most important chapters in history were written when the weak stood up to the strong.”

The representatives of the health system respond that the weak should not place their hopes in historical anecdotes or moral arguments.  For every weak community that successfully stood up to power, there are hundreds – perhaps thousands – who were simply crushed and forgotten.

Dr. Melos insists that her colleagues will come to her aid.  A variety of professional organizations — county, state, and national medical associations, not to mention her own specialty societies – they would never stand for such coercion.

The health system’s representatives respond that such professional associations have very little to gain and a great deal to lose in taking up the cause of a solo practitioner, largely because their plates are filled with far higher-profile concerns.

“We are not making a new set of rules here,” conclude the representatives of Athenian Health.  “This is how the strong have always treated the weak.  In fact, we are certain that if you were in our position, you would be doing exactly the same thing.”

Despite the overwhelming force of the health system’s arguments, Dr. Melos chooses to resist.  Soon the health system makes good on its threats, hiring its own specialist and using its large physician network to erode away Dr. Melos’ referral base.

Within two years, Dr. Melos’ practice has shrunk to such a degree that she can no longer meet her costs.  She sees no alternative but to relocate to a smaller town in another state.  Initially, things seem to go well there, and soon she begins to forget about the whole affair.

Yet in this new town too, it is not long before another health system acquires the hospital and purchases its first local medical practice.  So far, no one from Spartan Health has approached Dr. Melos, but she knows that it is only a matter of time before she again hears a knock at the door. . . .

Richard Gunderman is a Professor of Medicine at the University of Indiana.

from THCB

Workplace wellness: Tips to turn your workspaces into healthy havens

As a reader of Joyous Health, I’m going to assume that you take an active interest in your health and wellness. Regardless of where you are in your own personal wellness journey, you’re here because you care about you!

We strive to make positive choices everyday that take us closer to joyous health, but our environment often plays an influential role in these choices and how effectively we’re able to execute them. Take the workplace for example: for many of us, the majority of our days are spent here where we may not always have as much control as we like – whether it be our activity levels, the people we’re surrounded by…the list goes on.

We see this first hand when we do corporate workshops and events.

Companies are starting to realize that the health of their workforce is more important than ever, and while some are quicker to act than others, I have some easy ways that will give you a head start on creating your own healthy haven at work.

Take Control of Your Personal Space

Whether your in a cubicle, or corner office – these are some easy ways you can turn your personal workspace into a healthy haven.


Move more: Yes, we’ve heard it all before – we need to exercise more often.  I covered a few ways we can fit more exercise into our busy schedules in my last post, but I failed to mention one strategy that we use on a regular basis at the Joyous HQ. With so much of our work being done sitting at a computer, every 90-minutes an alarm goes off in the office reminding everyone to get up and move.  It doesn’t matter if you stretch, walk in circles or do a few pushups – the key is to break the routine of whatever you’re doing and move.  Not only is it great for your body, but it’s also refreshing for the mind and allows you to sit back at your desk with a clear mind.

Don’t think you can get your office on board with 90-minute alarms?  Use your phone or computer to set a personal alarm.


Make your workspace work for you: It’s a reality of many offices that we need to be at our computers to get the job done.  This is the case with me, and I’m sure it’s the case with many of you as well.  Since this isn’t something we can avoid, it’s important that we do whatever we can to set ourselves up the best we can.  Here are a few places to start:

  • Ergonomics – chair, desk and screen height are all crucial for setting up a proper workspace.  Basic points to remember: Feet should be flat on the floor, arms should be supported and relaxed, and screen height should be no higher than eye level (you shouldn’t need to tilt your head back).  Standing desks are also a great way to break the monotony of sitting all the time and can be quite cost effective to implement.
  • Awareness – Even if you have a workspace that’s been configured by an ergonomic prodigy, it will mean nothing if you’re not aware of your body position and posture.  It’s easy to slump in your chair, hunch your shoulders and crane your neck towards the screen.  My favourite trick is to put a sticky note on the corner of my screen reminding me to sit up straight.

Make Healthy the Easy Choice

We want easy and we want convenient.  This holds especially true when we’re immersed in an environment that can be demanding, stressful and mentally taxing. With a little preparation and a few tricks you can help make the healthy choice the easy choice every time.


Sweet Potato Muffins

Provide better options: This is where it all starts.  Instead of indulging in your standard workplace treats, give yourself an alternative. Simple ideas include: 

These are also more nutritionally balanced snacks, helping control those mid-afternoon cravings.


Make it visually appealing: Instead of placing your new healthy alternatives next to them, create a visually appealing display for your new snacks right on your desk. A simple mason jar with nuts is a great start, or perhaps a nice basket with fruit.  Eating is as much a visual experience as it is one of taste – if your food looks good you’ll be more inclined to eat it vs. digging in your desk for that smushed chocolate bar.

A bonus to having your snacks on a beautiful display is the positive re-enforcement and comments you’ll receive from your co-workers as they pass by.

These are just a few of my go-to tips for keeping the Joyous HQ healthy and happy…

Now is your turn!
What do you do to make your workspace a healthier place for you?

Have a great day!


Walker Jordan

Walker knows the ins and outs of running a successful business. The owner of a boutique health and wellness studio which he sold in 2011, Walker now oversees growth and strategy, runs day-to-day operations and manages new business for Joyous Health. He is the most organized person we know! He has a love of shiny fast cars and he can make Brussels sprouts taste like heaven.


The post Workplace wellness: Tips to turn your workspaces into healthy havens appeared first on Joyous Health.

from Joyous Health

How Population Health Is Driving Merger Mania Among Anthem, Cigna and the Rest of the Big Insurers

The nation’s Big 5 health insurers have thrived under the Affordable Care Act, seeing their profits grow and their stock prices soar.

They also continue to dwarf their main sparring partners—hospital systems—in size. Consider that the largest health insurer, United Health Group, has annual revenue of $130 billion, while revenue at the largest hospital system, HCA, is a tick under $37 billion. The second-largest health insurer, Anthem Inc., has $74 billion in annual revenue, while the second-largest hospital system, Ascension, has $20 billion.

So why are health insurers so desperate to get bigger? Anthem has offered $47 billion to acquire Cigna Corp., and United, Humana and Aetna are all trying to counter with mega-deals of their own.

Well, it’s about economies of scale and all that—the Affordable Care Act and other changes are squeezing the amount of profit insurers can make per customer, even as the pool of paying customers is growing. Also, hospital systems, while still more fragmented than insurers, are consolidating, as are drug and device makers. So insurers want to boost their bargaining power.

But the real reason is population health.

“In order to do population management, you need populations,” Dhan Shapurji, a Deloitte consultant to health insurers, quipped in a phone call with me this week.

He was being a bit tongue-in-cheek, but he hit on the key word: “populations.”

It’s no longer enough just to have lots of members in your health plans—Anthem has 38.5 million; Cigna has 14.7 million.

To do population health, insurers must have a critical mass of people in local markets— otherwise why would health care providers enter population health-based contracts with them?

To do population health, insurers must have a critical mass of members in each of several high-cost diseases: diabetes, heart disease, cancer, behavioral health. Otherwise, it will be too expensive to hire the clinical staff to develop the necessary clinical protocols, to staff the high-touch patient intervention programs and to develop the data analytics and customer engagement technology seen as vital for doing effective population health on a large scale.

Just on the technology side, a recent Deloitte report calculated that the average Big 5 health insurer spent $554 million on any sort of capital spending—not just technology development—in 2012. That same year, Google alone spent $6.8 billion on research and development.

Since companies like Google are setting the standard for how today’s consumers want to interact digitally with services companies, it’s no wonder that Anthem CEO Joe Swedish has made a habit the past year of saying that, among health insurers’ customers, “frustration is pre-eminent and growing by virtue of the intolerance of health care’s inability to match the experiences in other aspects of our lives.”

“We intend to change this dynamic and our strategy is to create an improved customer experience as a distinguishing characteristic of Anthem,” Swedish told investors during a January presentation at the J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference in San Francisco. But to make that vision a reality, while still growing profits, Anthem needs the scale it would get from acquiring Cigna.

Also to do population health, it’s also critical for insurers to have a critical mass of patients in each program—not just employer insurance but also individual, not just individual policies but also exchange policies, not just exchange policies but also Medicaid managed care programs, and not just Medicaid but also Medicare and Medicare Advantage.

“We’ve always said we wanted to participate in a lifecycle” with our members, Anthem Chief Financial Officer Wayne DeVeydt told investors after Anthem publicized its buyout offer for Cigna, which Cigna has so far rejected. The two companies together, he said, would have “the largest footprint or largest catcher’s mitt if you will regardless of where the consumer is at in their lifecycle.”

Of course, every company wants to keep customers as long as possible. But in the era of population health, keeping members longer, even as they move between commercial or government programs, between employer and individual insurance, is the only way to make profits from those population health efforts.

“As you start to truly have populations, then regardless of which disease state you’re in, regardless of which line you’re in, we’re going to capture you,” said Shapurji, the Deloitte consultant. “And if you move, then it doesn’t really matter.”

J.K. Wall is a health care reporter at the Indianapolis Business Journal and author of The Dose blog on the business of health care.

from THCB

King vs. Burwell: Chalk One Up For Common Sense

Screen Shot 2015-06-26 at 8.33.49 AMThe Supreme Court yesterday decided that Congress meant what it said when it enacted the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The ACA requires people in all 50 states to carry health insurance and provided tax credits to help them afford it. To have offered such credits only in the dozen states that set up their own exchanges would have been cruel and unsustainable because premiums for many people would have been unaffordable.

But the law said that such credits could be paid in exchanges ‘established by a state,’ which led some to claim that the credits could not be paid to people enrolled by the federally operated exchange. In his opinion, Chief Justice Roberts euphemistically calls that wording ‘inartful.’ Six Supreme Court justices decided that, read in its entirety, the law provides tax credits in every state, whether the state manages the exchange itself or lets the federal government do it for them.

That decision is unsurprising. More surprising is that the Court agreed to hear the case. When it did so, cases on the same issue were making their ways through four federal circuits. In only one of the four circuits was there a standing decision, and it found that tax credits were available everywhere.

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Two Years Later: How Kynect Has Impacted Kentucky’s Healthcare System

Since its second enrollment period ended in March, Kentucky’s health benefit exchange has been celebrated by state government leaders as a success story of the Affordable Care Act. Known as Kynect, the exchange has provided thousands of uninsured citizens with health insurance coverage. It has also drawn its share of controversy.

Although much of the discussion surrounding Kynect and the Affordable Care Act has focused on their political implications and other debates, little has been said about how the changes to Kentucky’s healthcare system have affected patients, nurses, doctors and hospitals. With two enrollment periods complete, how has Kynect worked and what benefits has it provided the state?

Overview of Kynect

The primary emphasis of the Affordable Care Act was giving the 3.8 million Americans without health insurance an opportunity to become insured. The primary method of providing coverage was through health benefit exchanges, which were created by both the federal government and some states. Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear and his administration elected to develop a state-based exchange to make finding coverage easier for Kentuckians. Thus, Kynect was born.

The Objective and Goals of Kynect

On its website, Kynect promises to provide “individuals, families and small businesses with easy, one-stop shopping” to find the healthcare coverage they need. Although the site is open for applications 365 days a year, the majority of health insurance plans are available during the three-month enrollment period that stretches from Nov. 15 to Feb. 15 of each year.

Kentuckians can use Kynect to obtain health insurance, as required by the Affordable Care Act. The site allows applicants to compare plans and check whether they’re eligible for Medicaid.

What Kynect Does Differently

While the federal government created a national health benefit exchange called, Kentucky and 14 other states developed their own marketplaces. This immediately paid dividends when the national marketplace encountered countless issues upon launch. Meanwhile, Kentucky’s simple but robust Kynect system outperformed all expectations.

In an interview with National Public Radio, Beshear described what his administration did differently in building Kynect: “Our folks at the health cabinet and the Medicaid department were all intricately involved in designing this website, and they worked with the vendors.”

Beshear explained that the process of building Kynect focused on user experience. Kynect has yet to have the significant problems that followed the launch of Kynect also involved insurance agents, who now have more clients to work with. The site even allows users to check eligibility for programs like Medicaid without creating an account.

Kynect’s Success

Kentucky’s extensive effort was recognized as a success by state residents and national observers. Soon enough, the Bluegrass State became a poster child for demonstrating how to implement the Affordable Care Act well. Countless news outlets, from The New York Times to Fortune magazine, declared Kynect a success. Beshear and his cabinet were praised for creating a user-friendly website that was easy to navigate.

As a result of Kynect’s well-organized interface and a strong marketing campaign, uninsured Kentuckians signed up for health coverage in droves. The state reported more than 413,000 applicants enrolling during the first enrollment period that ended in March 2014. Of those who registered, about 75 percent previously lacked health insurance. Those residents gained improved access to preventative care and other benefits.

Impact on the Individual

When discussing Kentucky’s commitment to Kynect and the Affordable Care Act, Beshear touted “untold health benefits for the commonwealth.” By providing uninsured citizens with health insurance, the state expects to eventually save money because more people will engage in preventative health measures. The benefits of Kynect are potentially far-reaching.

How to Obtain Health Insurance via Kynect

Applications on Kynect are completed either online or on the phone. Users can create an account, begin their application and answer a series of questions. Unlike submitting a paper application and waiting for a response, individuals see what options are available to them right away.

Easy–to-understand descriptions of all available plans are provided. Users can also call customer service representatives with further questions. If eligible, a user will be able to apply for certain programs such as Medicaid or payment assistance.

Services Offered by Kynect

The robust healthcare marketplace of Kynect offers a variety of services for potential applicants. These benefit not only individual users but also other groups. The services include:

Plan applications and enrollment for both individuals and families

Tools for small business owners to offer insurance for their employees

Resources for insurance agents to recommend specific plans to individuals, families and business owners

Information for community leaders on how to get the general public enrolling in Kynect

The site has a wide variety of resources available to all users that can help them better understand what Kynect offers.

Cost to the Individual

Kynect is not only making healthcare available to the uninsured, it’s making it affordable. Beshear offered the following examples of how Kentuckians will save.

A 22-year-old college student earning $18,000 per year could get a monthly subsidy of $104, lowering his monthly cost to $20.

A 35-year-old single parent of two children earning $35,000 per year could get a monthly subsidy of $240, lowering her monthly cost to $93.

A family of four earning $65,000 per year could get a monthly subsidy of $249, lowering their monthly cost to $336.

A retired couple earning $50,000 per year could get a monthly subsidy of $526, lowering their monthly cost to $160.

By reducing the monthly cost of insurance, it makes far more sense for the uninsured to apply. They can reduce out-of-pocket costs and have easier access to health treatment.

Impact on the Healthcare System and Professionals

After understanding how Kynect affects the citizens of Kentucky, it is interesting to consider how it affects the healthcare system as a whole. By altering who has access to healthcare and how insurance companies charge consumers, there are extensive changes happening at all levels of the healthcare system.

What Does It Mean for Nurses and Doctors?

In many ways, Kynect is helping healthcare providers. By allowing the uninsured easier access to healthcare, providers are reaching more patients than ever before. Although it is still early to study concrete numbers, doctors and nurses should see a higher volume of patients. Unfortunately, this could add to the current and anticipated shortage of nurses and physicians.

One major tenet of the Affordable Care Act is the end of discrimination against patients with pre-existing conditions. Doctors and nurses may now treat patients who could not obtain or afford health insurance because of a pre-existing condition. Plans on Kynect also have no annual limits, so patients no longer have to wait until a specific date to get the care they need.

What Does It Mean for Hospitals?

The Affordable Care Act also sought to improve the quality of care in hospitals, both in Kentucky and across the country. An increase in insured Americans will add to the number of patients for hospitals. Some might suggest that could overpopulate healthcare facilities and dumb down service.

However, new laws withhold Medicare payments from hospitals with too many patients returning with specific ailments. This will hopefully prevent hospitals from sending patients home too early and improve postsurgical treatment. Hospitals will also offer more quality outpatient services to help weather increased patient volumes.

Connecting the Uninsured

It’s clear that Kynect has been a boon for the state healthcare system. The Affordable Care Act will remain an issue in politics, especially after costs to the state are measured. And as the system grows, new challenges will arise. More nurses, doctors and healthcare administrators will be needed to serve Kentuckians. Tomorrow’s professionals will have the chance to improve the overall well-being of Kentucky and the nation. Learn more about meeting this demand through Campbellsville University’s RN to B.S. in Nursing program.

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